Talking – A Practice of Reading Readiness

Talking is one of the first activities that parents and caregivers can do with their child to support reading readiness.  Children learn language by listening to others around them speak. 

When children listen to spoken words they learn:

  • How words sound
  • The meaning of words
  • That words can be put together to communicate ideas and information

Parents and caregivers can help to increase these skills by:

  • Asking questions and listening to the answers
  • Talking to their child
  • Using their first spoken language most often if they speak more than one language
  • Talking about books that they’ve read together

Reading books together can also help to develop these skills.  Check out these books to encourage more talking (and learning!) together:

Want to know more about the practices of reading readiness? 

These practices will help nurture children’s desire to read and prepare their young minds for the adventures of reading.  We invite you to promote reading with the help of Sno-Isle Libraries: