Book Buzz Episode 62 – Painting Happiness & Where the Deer and the Antelope Play

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Air date: Aug. 11, 2024 

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Painting Happiness

Where the Deer and the Antelope Play

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Hi, this is Jessica Russell. I’m the assistant director of collection services at Sno-Isle Libraries. And welcome to Book Buzz.

Today's two reading recommendations are both non-fiction books; one encourages you to find beauty in art, and the other to find beauty in the natural world.

First, we’re going to hear from Jennifer, library associate at the Camano Island Library, for a book that will speak to your inner artist. Over to you, Jennifer.


Oh, the pandemic – some people turned to sourdough bread, others found peace and comfort in crocheting. For me, I turned to art. Specifically watercolor.

“Painting Happiness” by artist and author Terry Runyan helped me let down my guard and turn blobs into birds, cats, cars, and even ice cream trucks. I am not a total newbie to watercolor painting, but most of my experiences have been centered on copycatting or following step by step instructions in a video tutorial or just working on techniques at home. “Painting Happiness” tapped into my inner creator and gently guided both my mind and my brush in an exploration and implementation that just felt good.

This book can be helpful to completely new artists and will for sure inspire the seasoned painter. Runyan sets artists up for success in the beginning by teaching about the supplies needed, how not to be your own worst critic, and then sends the painter off on assignment to choose items to paint from a long (and somewhat silly) list of prompts,  like a boot, or plaid, or a UFO, to name a few.

Practicing techniques from “Painting Happiness” will earn compliments like, “You could make that into a postcard and sell it at a farmers market,” said my brother-in-law. Or, “Wow, I didn’t know you were an artist!,” said my neighbor.

If you have any inkling to paint with watercolors, I strongly urge you to try out “Painting Happiness,” because, it’ll make you happy.


Thanks, Jennifer! During lockdown, I turned to knitting, but watercolor may have been a better choice.

Next, let’s explore the great outdoors, with Paige, librarian at the Edmonds Library. Take it away, Paige.


The summer in Washington is perfect for exploring. Take a page out of Nick Offerman’s book and explore the great outdoors inspired by “Where the Deer and the Antelope Play,” with the subtitle, “The Pastoral Observations of One Ignorant American Who Loves to Walk Outside.”

For those who are fans of “Parks and Rec,” you’ll remember the gruff Ron Swanson and his love of the outdoors. The actor and author, Nick Offerman, is not too far off this character, but maybe with a dash more whimsy.

In this observation of the outdoors, the reader is brought into Nick’s stream of consciousness and observations of three parts of the world just before and during the pandemic. Nick’s observations are inspired by pieces of poetry and philosophy on the US and land stewardship, and his own background. This frames his tales of ineffectively helping to restore a wall in the UK, watching his friend make a heroic save of eyeglasses during a rafting expedition, and venturing across the US in “The Nutmeg” with Megan Mullaly. Through all this, the reader is left with observations on how we all can be a little kinder to our world. A bonus treat to those who listen to the audiobook, it is read by Nick Offerman himself.

For those of us who would love to be out in nature more than we are, please do read “Where the Deer and the Antelope Play.”


Thanks, Paige! This is an inspiration to think about our own backyard and beyond.

Our recommendations this week are: “Painting Happiness” by Terry Runyan and “Where the Deer and Antelope Play” by Nick Offerman.

Join us next time, when we’ll explore more great reading recommendations — interesting books you can find at your favorite local bookstore or at your local library.

Until then, I’m Jessica Russell from Sno-Isle Libraries.

Thanks for joining us for Book Buzz on KSER.

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