Online Resources for Teens
Live online tutoring help available
Get expert help with live online tutoring, learn study skills and collaborate with other learners in Brainfuse.
Read the latest tech magazines in OverDrive
Browse through full issues of magazines in OverDrive and learn what's new in the technology world.
Homework Help
Homework Help
How do you find a tutor with Brainfuse?
Brainfuse offers free online tutoring in every subject, seven days a week, 1-11 pm. Watch this to learn how to do it!
Find information for your school report with ResearchRocket
Search popular topics by grade level or subject matter with ResearchRocket.
Live online tutoring help available
Get expert help with live online tutoring, learn study skills and collaborate with other learners in Brainfuse.
Gale in Context: High School
Find information on all core subjects from Science to Literature to History.
Books & Reading
Books & Reading
Libby, by OverDrive
Enjoy ebooks, digital audiobooks and magazines on your favorite internet-connected device.
Digital audiobook versions of graphic novels & comics
Browse our collection of digital audiobook versions of graphics novels & comics you can listen to from your phone, tablet, or desktop.
Read your favorite comics with OverDrive
Access digital versions of popular comics and graphic novels in OverDrive
Science & Math
Science & Math
Dive deeper into the scientific and natural world
Find in-depth information and science experiments with Science Reference Center.
Explore health and wellness
Find information on all areas of health and wellness with Consumer Health Complete.
Explore articles about geography, history, & world culture
A complete archive of National Geographic magazine with a cross-searchable collection of National Geographic books, maps, images and videos.
How do you impact the environment?
From climate change to recycling to alternate fuel sources and more, research our impact on the environment.
Social Studies
Social Studies
Explore the history of the United States
Access documents, articles and journals on American history with Gale in Context: U.S. History
Explore articles about geography, history, & world culture
A complete archive of National Geographic magazine with a cross-searchable collection of National Geographic books, maps, images and videos.
Gain a global perspective from a wealth of information
Critically analyze and understand the most important issues of the modern world with Gale in Context: Global Issues
Hear each side of the story
Explore the pros and cons on current issues with Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints.