Sign up for a library card
Sign up online for a Sno-Isle Libraries card and get immediate access to ebooks, downloadable audiobooks, streaming movies and TV shows, databases, and learning services.
Visit any location to get your full access library card to start borrowing physical materials. A staff member will help you complete the registration process.

Community libraries offer browsing, contact-free services, printing, computers, events, staff assistance, and more. Find your nearest community library.

Books, audiobooks, and CDs check out for 3 weeks. Loan periods for other items, including interlibrary loan, vary. Return items to any Sno-Isle library. Learn more about loans and returns.

We do not charge fines for overdue items. If physical materials are lost, a replacement fee will be assessed. If items are not returned, borrowing privileges may be blocked. Learn more about fines and fees.

We are committed to providing equitable access to knowledge and resources for all members of our community through remote printing, Library on Wheels, and more. Learn more about accessibility on our website and in our libraries.
We strive to provide equitable access and ensure that customers feel welcome and represented in our physical and online spaces. Learn more about equity, diversity, & inclusion at Sno-Isle Libraries.