Arlington Library Remodel Project Moves Forward

Visit the Arlington Library and the new blue metal roof may catch your eye! The roof replacement this spring kick-started upgrades to make the library a welcoming and inspiring space for all to enjoy.

The library remodel will be community driven to provide both traditional and innovative library services while prioritizing modern accessibility standards: 

  • Library interiors will be updated to provide a welcoming space for the community to gather. 
  • The community will be able to use spaces to learn, explore, work, and play, including elements such as interactive children’s learning, community gathering, quiet study, collaborative work areas, hands on learning, using public computers, and Wi-Fi.  
  • Library grounds and outdoor spaces will be transformed with full site accessibility to be more inclusive and usable.   

The replacement roof project was completed thanks to support from the Sno-Isle Libraries Foundation, who will continue their contributions for the Arlington Library Remodel Project. 

Planning for the comprehensive remodel project will occur in 2022, with construction to take place in 2023.  

We are excited to begin the conceptual design process, so we'll be reaching out to the community for ideas and feedback. Look for opportunities to participate soon!