Approval Process Update

The Langley Library remodel project is moving through the City of Langley’s approval process. Sno-Isle Libraries will provide updates on the process to keep our community informed. 

February 6 – City Council Meeting

On February 6, City of Langley staff and Sno-Isle Libraries presented a briefing on the proposed Langley Library remodel design to the City of Langley Council. Prior to the meeting, Sno-Isle Libraries received approvals from both the City’s Historic Preservation Commission and Design Review Boards.

Application and Briefing

Outcome from Meeting: The Langley Library remodel is approved to move forward with city staff on permitting.

January 18 – Design Review Board Meeting

On January 18, Sno-Isle Libraries presented the revised Langley Library design to the City of Langley’s Design Review Board. The Design Review Board’s feedback from November 2022 was incorporated into the submitted application.

Agenda and Application 

Outcome from Meeting: The City’s Design Review Board recommended approval of the plan as presented, except for the bike rack. The covered bike rack is supported but design review board want to explore additional options prior to approval.

January 10 – Historic Preservation Commission Meeting 

On January 10, the City of Langley’s Historic Preservation Commission reviewed Sno-Isle Libraries’ application for the Certificate of Appropriateness. Sno-Isle Libraries previously met with the Historic Preservation Commission on November 8, 2022 to review the proposed Langley Library project designs. Sno-Isle Libraries incorporated their feedback into the application process to ensure the proposed design is aligned with the Commission’s preservation goals and honors the building’s historic significance and beauty. 

Application Submitted 

Outcome from Meeting: The Historic Preservation Commission recommended approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness.  

Sno-Isle Libraries has submitted a Design Review Application to the City’s Design Review Board for consideration at the Board’s meeting on Wednesday, January 18. 


Reference Materials 

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