Collection Development Policy

Collection Development Policy

Contact Us FAQs

  • Chat with us

    By email

    • Submit your questions, comments or suggestions by email and our librarians will assist you.

    By phone

    • Check Locations & Hours to find your community library's phone number and operating hours.
    • Questions? A member of our Administrative Center staff can also help direct your call. Call us at 360-651-7000 (local) or 877-766-4753 (toll-free), Monday - Friday, 7:30 am - 4:30 pm.

    Text us

    • Text your questions to (360) 810-5188. Text assistance is available Monday - Saturday, 9 am - 6 pm. Please include your name and telephone number in your initial message. Standard text messaging rates apply.

    Book a Librarian

    • Make an appointment for a virtual or in-person Book a Librarian session. These free sessions allow you to get one-on-one assistance with your research and technology questions. 
  • Contact us for assistance.

  • Sno-Isle Libraries provides access to its public records under the provisions of the Washington State Public Records Act RCW 42.56, the Public Records Policy, and the Public Records Request Administrative Policy.  

    The Library makes a variety of records available online, including, but not limited to: 

    Other records maintained by the Library are available for public inspection or copy, unless specifically exempted by law.  

    Use of the Library’s Public Records Request form is the most efficient way to make a request; however, its use isn’t required for a request to be processed. Requests may be submitted in person, via mail, email, or phone. To best assist you, include the following information: 

    • Contact information of requester 
    • Identification of the public records adequate to locate the records 
    • Whether you wish to inspect the records in person and/or purchase physical or digital copies 
    • The date and time of day of the request 

    Anyone wishing to inspect or receive a copy of the Library’s public records or seeking assistance in making such a request should contact the Library’s Public Records Officer: 

    Public Records Officer
    Sno-Isle Libraries
    7312 35th Ave NE
    Marysville, WA 98271-7417
    Phone: 360-651-7026/ Fax: 360-651-7151 

    The more precisely you can identify the record(s) you seek, the more responsive the Library can be. You do not need to state the purpose of your request. However, in an effort to clarify or prioritize a request and provide responsive documents, the Public Records Officer may inquire about the nature or scope of the request. 

Sno-Isle Libraries Board Policy


To provide direction on the procurement and provision of library materials that reflect the ever-evolving needs and interests of the communities served by Sno-Isle Libraries (Library District) and inform members of the community about the principles used to select and manage the collection.


This policy applies to the physical and digital materials and resources that are available online or distributed between the Library District’s various locations and collectively known as the collection. This policy provides information on:

  • Intellectual Freedom and Access
  • Responsibility for Selection and Management
  • Purchasing
  • Collection Selection and Maintenance
  • Request for Review / Reconsideration


Intellectual Freedom and Access

The Library District is committed to supporting intellectual freedom by providing a collection that reflects a diversity of cultures, views, and opinions.

The Sno-Isle Libraries Board of Trustees (Board of Trustees) recognizes that the library was created to serve all the people within the Library District’s service area and that within the Library District there are individuals and groups with varied interests, backgrounds, ages, life experiences, and information needs.

The Library District’s collection is organized and maintained with the goal of making materials easy to find. Materials and resources will not be restricted, separated, or altered because of controversy surrounding the author or subject matter.

The Library District provides an impartial environment where customers and their interests are brought together with the universe of ideas and information that spans the spectrum of knowledge and opinions.

The Board of Trustees believes that customers should be free to select or reject materials based on personal values; however, they may not restrict the freedom of others to read, view, or inquire. Only parents / guardians are in charge of what their own minor children read, view, or listen to in the library as well as online. The Library District does not decide what a person reads or watches.

Responsibility for Selection and Management

The Library District’s Executive Director is responsible for the selection and management of the collection as authorized by the Board of Trustees. In turn, the Executive Director delegates this function to qualified library staff members.


Multiple vendors are approved for the purchase of materials and resources because of the variety of formats, languages, vendor areas of focus and expertise, and due to independent publishers or distributors not reselling or using wholesalers for their products. Administrative procedures and guidelines for purchasing are established and maintained by the Finance Director that assure a competitive, open, and fair purchasing process.

Collection Selection and Maintenance

Selection. Materials are selected for the collection based on criteria in the Library District’s Collection Development Guidelines. Materials are acquired in various print, audio, visual, and electronic formats. Selection of materials and resources does not mean that the Library District endorses the content contained in those materials and resources. Materials that are not in the Library District's collection may be obtained on behalf of a customer through resource sharing with other libraries (Interlibrary Loan).

Purchase Suggestions. The Library District is responsive to suggestions for titles and subjects to be included in the collection when these requests meet selection criteria.

Gifts and Donations. Gifts or donations of materials may be accepted with the understanding that the same selection criteria are applied to gifts as to materials acquired by purchase. Following the Sno-Isle Libraries Donation Policy, any gifts may be donated to Friends of the Library groups, the Sno-Isle Libraries Foundation, other community partners, or recycled at the Library District’s discretion.

Collection Maintenance. The collection is reviewed and evaluated on an ongoing basis. The Library District does not maintain an archival collection and may discard materials based on criteria in the Collection Development Guidelines. Discarded materials are disposed of according to Washington State law.

Request for Review / Reconsideration

The Board of Trustees recognizes the right of individuals to ask questions and share feedback about materials in the Library District’s collection. A customer with collection questions or feedback is encouraged to contact local library staff.

If a customer wishes to request a formal review or reconsideration of an item in the Library District’s collection and is a resident of the Library District’s service area, they may complete and submit a Request for Review / Reconsideration of Library Materials form. The Assistant Director of Collection Services will respond with a written decision within thirty (30) days of receiving a completed Request for Review / Reconsideration form.

If a customer wishes to appeal the Request for Review / Reconsideration decision, the appeal will be reviewed by the Executive Director to whom the Board of Trustees has delegated operations authority. Materials under review will remain available to customers during the process.

Associated Policies and Laws


This policy is reviewed every four (4) years by the Executive Director (or designee) who makes recommendations to the appropriate Board Committee. The Committee reviews and revises as necessary, endorses, and advances to the full Board for approval.

Policy History

Date approved: March 27, 2023
Next review date: 2027
Date adopted: April 1987

Contact Us FAQs

  • Chat with us

    By email

    • Submit your questions, comments or suggestions by email and our librarians will assist you.

    By phone

    • Check Locations & Hours to find your community library's phone number and operating hours.
    • Questions? A member of our Administrative Center staff can also help direct your call. Call us at 360-651-7000 (local) or 877-766-4753 (toll-free), Monday - Friday, 7:30 am - 4:30 pm.

    Text us

    • Text your questions to (360) 810-5188. Text assistance is available Monday - Saturday, 9 am - 6 pm. Please include your name and telephone number in your initial message. Standard text messaging rates apply.

    Book a Librarian

    • Make an appointment for a virtual or in-person Book a Librarian session. These free sessions allow you to get one-on-one assistance with your research and technology questions. 
  • Contact us for assistance.

  • Sno-Isle Libraries provides access to its public records under the provisions of the Washington State Public Records Act RCW 42.56, the Public Records Policy, and the Public Records Request Administrative Policy.  

    The Library makes a variety of records available online, including, but not limited to: 

    Other records maintained by the Library are available for public inspection or copy, unless specifically exempted by law.  

    Use of the Library’s Public Records Request form is the most efficient way to make a request; however, its use isn’t required for a request to be processed. Requests may be submitted in person, via mail, email, or phone. To best assist you, include the following information: 

    • Contact information of requester 
    • Identification of the public records adequate to locate the records 
    • Whether you wish to inspect the records in person and/or purchase physical or digital copies 
    • The date and time of day of the request 

    Anyone wishing to inspect or receive a copy of the Library’s public records or seeking assistance in making such a request should contact the Library’s Public Records Officer: 

    Public Records Officer
    Sno-Isle Libraries
    7312 35th Ave NE
    Marysville, WA 98271-7417
    Phone: 360-651-7026/ Fax: 360-651-7151 

    The more precisely you can identify the record(s) you seek, the more responsive the Library can be. You do not need to state the purpose of your request. However, in an effort to clarify or prioritize a request and provide responsive documents, the Public Records Officer may inquire about the nature or scope of the request. 

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